DIY Friendship Bracelets

by Sierra Buford, Feb 10 2022

Project: DIY Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are timeless. I made them as a child and kids have been making them since the beginning of time. Today I am sharing 3 different friendship bracelet tutorials for kids, tweens and teens! Make those bracelets last longer with by adding Aleene's Adhesives Fabric Fusion to the knots!

Project Video:


  • Aleene’s Fabric Fusion

  • Letter beads

  • Circular color beads

  •  Scissors

  • Tape

  • Stretchy bracelet cord

  • Embroidery floss (variety of colors)

  • Tassels

Directions for your letter bead friendship bracelets:

1. Choose 3 different colors of embroidery floss and cut 6 pieces of each.

2. Take all of the embroidery floss and line them up with a knot at the end.

3. Tape to the table & separate your colors into groups.

4. Braid one color section with a knot at the end.

5. Braid the second color section with a knot at the end.

6. With the third section, add your letter beads.

7. Gather the ends together and tie one final knot (be sure to leave the ends long enough to tie onto your wrist)

8. Use your fabric fusion to secure the knot.

Directions for friendship bracelet with circular beads:

1. Use the stretchy bracelet cord for this bracelet.

2. String your beads on alternating colors (or choose a pattern of your choice).

3. Tie one tassel to each end.

4. Use your fabric fusion to secure each knot.

5. Tie both ends together.

Happy Crafting Bestie

xoxo - Lynn

This post is sponsored by Aleene's but all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Aleene's Aleene's Fabric Fusion crafts creative inspirations middleschoolcrafts teen teencrafts

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