DIY House Number Planter

by Lynn Lilly, May 11 2017

While Spring cleaning I realized I had a ton of old terra cotta pots that were dirty but not ready for the trash. I was also itching to use Folk Art's new Coastal Texture paint that is indoor/outdoor and leaves a stucco-like texture and dreamy coastal feel! Pair these two things with the fact that the food delivery drivers can never find my house number, I devised the perfect project that will easily mark my house and add colorful decor to my porch! 


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DIY House Number Planter


  1. Clean dirt and debris off the terra cotta pots.
  2. Paint each pot a different color. The trick to getting the bets texture with the Coastal paint is to dab it on creating peaks and valleys. Put pots in the sun to dry and they will dry in 15-20 minutes. If you want to get really fancy can do multiple paint layers and sand in between!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Folk Art Coastal Texture Paint
  3. Fill the largest pot half way with soil. Plant your flowers/plants around the edges. When selecting flowers/plants think about the shape you want to create. I like to create a triangular shape that cascades out of my container.  In the photo above I used Creeping Jenny plants on the first level. 
  4. Put the middle pot into the large pot and fill any gaps in between the two pots with soil.  
  5. Next, fill the middle pot halfway with soil. Add small plants/flowers around the edges. 
  6. Fill the top pot with soil and flowers/plants. Insert it inside the middle pot. 
  7. Fill any gaps between the middle and top pot with soil. 
  8. Remove the backings from the mailbox numbers and firmly press on the center of the base pot. If you are having issues with them sticking just add glue to the back. 

Display with pride and confidence that everyone will know exactly which house is yours! Don't forget to read the plants labels so they get the proper sun and water. 

Happy Spring!

xoxo- LL

DIY House Number Planter

DIY House Number Planter


cat-home creative inspiration Folk Art Coastal Paint front porch Home outdoor living

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  • Lisa ? Dunn- Miller on

    I love that idea it’s so pretty

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